Anders saapuu Helsinkiin
Tanskalaisella elokuvalla menee lujaa myös kotikentällä. Vuoden 2003 aikana kotimaisten elokuvien katsojamäärät ovat miltei tuplaantuneet edelliseen vuoteen verrattuna. Kolmetoista tanskalaista uutuutta on saanut ensi-iltansa ja katsojakeskiarvo on noussut 156 000:een per elokuva, mikä lyö laudalta jopa vastaavien amerikkalaisten ensi-iltojen katsojakeskiarvot.
Hyvää tulosta Tanskanmaalla ovat tehneet myös kaksi tulevaa R&A-elokuvaa, Anders Thomas Jensenin The Green Butchers (223,000 katsojaa)ja Natasha Arthyn Old, New, Borrowed and Blue.
Lisää kotimaan menestyksestä voi tiedustella ohjaaja Anders Thomas Jenseniltä, joka tulee Helsinkiin esittelemään Vihreitä teurastajia ja vastaa yleisön kysymyksiin mm. Yrjönkadun Wayne's Coffeessa maanantaina 22.9.
Two million cinema-goers saw Danish films during the first six months of 2003 compared to 1.3 million in the same period 2002. On an average, Danish films were seen by twice as many cinema-goers as a US-made film during the first half year 2003: Thirteen Danish feature films were released, the average number of tickets sold per film was 156,000, while the corresponding figures for US films were 50 releases, 3.4 million cinema-goers, and an average number of admissions of 68,000 per film.
In comparison to the same period in 2002 the total number of admissions increased by 1 percent to 6.3 million tickets in 2003 with a national market share of 32 percent. The top box-office draws were "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" (581,000) and the James Bond film "Die Another Day" (458,000). These films were followed by Danish titles: Per Fly and Zentropa's "The Inheritance" (369,000) and Charlotte Sachs Bostrup and Grasten's "Anja After Viktor" (339,000) which edged out US-made "The Matrix: Reloaded" (318,000), while Anders Thomas Jensen and M&M's "The Green Butchers" (223,000) preceded US-made "X-Men 2".
Another five Danish films, each with admissions over 100,000, appeared among the top-twenty chart for the first half year 2003: Morten Arnfred and Nordisk Film's "Move Me", Natasha Arthy and Nimbus Film's "Old, New, Borrowed and Blue", Charlotte Sachs Bostrup and Grasten's "Cinder Rock'n Rella", Henrik Ruben Genz and Nordisk Film's "Someone Like Hodder" as well as Carsten Myllerup and Cosmo's “Midsummer".
National titles are also doing well in other media: The latest weekly figures for video and DVD rentals in Denmark show that three Danish films, "Inheritance", "Old, New, Borrowed and Blue" and "Midsummer", are among the top five favourites.